Monday, September 12, 2011

Living Life in 3D

When people ask me how I live my life, my quick reply is "I live life in 3D".  They look appropriately impressed until I mention that the "3 D's" stand for:  Dinners, Diapers and Dishes!  Mom's get this and crack up - everyone else looks a bit perplexed. 

As I write this note - Doug is on his way home from work (a bit late), the kids were fed separately from the adults (to keep a little peace), and - now that the kids have inhaled their dinner, Corley is somewhere twirling around (I hear her, but don't see her), Caleb is walking around with his dinner plate talking out loud...something about finding a peaceful place to finish his dinner...and Nate is crawling up on the table (where dinner was just had) and spinning in circles on his stomach.  THIS IS NOT WHAT I HAD IN MIND when I envisioned life with a houseful of children!  I had this wonderfully serene notion that my children would do what I told them, when I told them, with a great attitude....would always be clean, pick up after themselves (due to my wonderful instruction!), say "Yes Ma'am and No Ma'am" at all times, and be quiet except when playing outdoors.  To say the least, Doug and I have been SHOCKED by parenthood!  We were wonderful parents - all-knowing parents - before we had kids.  I admit that things like, "Our kids will NEVER be allowed to disrupt a restaurant, church service" name it, passed our lips countless times!  Oh, the crow we have eaten... 

We now have the privilege of watching younger siblings and friends have their children...and how they are going to do it "right".  They are so confident in their ideas while their kiddos are unable to talk or walk. Although we (obviously) don't know much, we know enough to smile and nod and laugh (inside) at the "wheels off" moments that await the naive.

Ah yes, life in 3D - no glasses necessary!

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